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S-Lab is the place where students can study, develop software, and discuss with each other. Inside, there are central space and 4 separated rooms. High performance PCs, Macs, smart TVs, beam projectors are available at each room, and also available to rent equipment like the Galaxy Tab or MacBook Pro

301B 315

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Server Room

It is a place to manage various servers and work stations, such as a computer server, an integrated account server, a printer server. The undergraduate server is managed by Bacchus, Student club.

301B 310-2

대표 이미지

Seminar Rooms

Seminar rooms are located in building 301 and 302. Graduate students of the Department of Computer Science can make reservations online.

301B 417, 301B 551, 302B 308, 302B 309-1, 302B 309-2, 302B 309-3

대표 이미지

Software Laboratories

It is equipped with dual monitors, Intel Core i7 PCs, printers, etc. It is used in software-related practice classes. If it is not used in class, anyone in the Computer Science of Engineering department can use it freely. In the past, it was called 'NT room'.

301B 314, 302B 311-1

대표 이미지

Hardware Laboratory

It is used for hardware-related practical training classes. Equipment and tools are available such as oscilloscopes, Direct Current power supplies, function generators, multi meters, and intel Core i7 PCs. Students who take classes such as logic design experiments and electronic circuit experiments spend a lot of time here.

302B 310-2

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Administrative Offices

Administrative office of Computer Science and Engineering assists with various administrative tasks for undergraduate, graduate students and professors at Building 301-316. View the list of staff members for individual contacts.

301B 316

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Students' Room

Departmental room is the main space for undergraduate students. There are dozens of Intel Core i7 PCs that are used to deal with the constant assignments, as well as amenities to relax the eyes, neck and wrists of students which are uncomfortable because of using computers for a long time.

301B 315

대표 이미지

Haedong Digital Library

The Haedong Digital Library consists of Haedong Archives and reading rooms with 230 seats, with the support of Chairman Jeong Sik Kim of Daedeok Electronics, Ltd, a graduate of Electrical Engineering, in October 1996. Students can read and check out periodicals and publications.

310B 312

대표 이미지