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Greetings from the Head
“The young and dynamic Department of Computer Science”
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Seoul National University offers world-class research and education programs. The current enrollment in the department is about 400 undergraduate and over 350 graduate students.
Students are studying in state-of-the-art facilities with 35 internationally renowned faculty members. Facilities that include multimedia classrooms, an electronic library, and a hardware-software project laboratory are open all year round.
The department operates the Institute of Computer Technology to foster industry collaborations where many students are involved in research projects. CSE uses various modern teaching methods to train future researchers and engineers in traditional and emerging fields of computer science and engineering. We particularly emphasize training in leadership, collaboration, and creativity. CSE plays a leading role in research and education of emerging areas in computer science and engineering such as mobile computing, multimedia, computer games, graphics, embedded systems, bio-computing, artificial intelligence, cryptography and security. CSE also continues to excel in core computer science areas such as software systems, architecture, networks, and computational theory.
The department has international exchange programs in research and education with top universities in the United States, Europe, Japan, and many other countries around the world. The exchange program has been active at both student and faculty levels for many years. CSE graduates develop careers in both academia and industry. Many of them start their career in world-class companies such as Google, facebook, SAP, Samsung and LG. In addition, many start-up companies have been successfully launched by our graduates.
Building upon our tradition as a young, creative, and confidence-building school, I, as the head of CSE, will consistently pursue the ABC of CSE’s goals: Academic excellence, Best in Education, and Collaboration with other disciplines and industry. We welcome young and enthusiastic students from all over the world to study and conduct research at CSE.