Faculty Recruitment

Seoul National University Computer Science & Engineering Faculty Hiring

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Seoul National University(SNU) is delighted to announce two faculty positions for recruitment in the 2024 academic year (to start on 1st March 2024 or later).
We are looking for outstanding candidates in all areas of Computer Science & Engineering.
The two positions are at all ranks: tenure-track Assistant Professor, tenure-track Associate Professor, or tenured Full Professor.

The Seoul National University Computer Science and Engineering (SNU CSE) department comprises 35 full-time faculty members, along with approximately 350 graduate students and 400 undergraduate students. Our faculty members are at the forefront of world-class research & education, leading a wide spectrum of research laboratories, spanning from theoretical foundations to computer systems and cutting-edge applications.

For further details, please email directly to our department head: head@cse.snu.ac.kr.

  • The closing date for applications will be during the period from 10-20 October, 2023.
  • The application materials include at least CV and more than two recommendation letters. Material submission will be done on-line through an official webpage, whose address will be announced shortly. Meanwhile, applicants are encouraged to reach out to the department head at head@cse.snu.ac.kr and submit their CVs for consideration.
  • With shortlisted candidates we will have interviews in person. Each interview (one or two-day long) includes a research presentationand one-on-one meetings with our faculty members.The interviews will be during the period of 10-30 November, 2023.
  • The final decision will be done during the period of 10-30 December, 2023.