How to train your virtual dragon, human, and octopus via deep learning이제희|서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부, NC SOFT9/8 (목) 17:00|302동 105호
It’s time for emerging cyber-physical systems to enable distributed and fault-tolerant computationGuthemberg Silvestre|Enac, Université de Toulouse, France8/17 (수) 14:00|301동 417호
Large Language Model Development with Mixture of ExpertsYoung Jin Kim|Microsoft Machine Translation Group7/28 (목) 11:00|302동 309-1호
Compiler-Directed High-Performance Intermittent ComputationChanghee Jung|Purdue University7/19 (화) 11:00|301동 551-4호 (HAWAII)
Succinct representations for trees and graphsSrinivasa Rao Satti|Norwegian University of Science and Technology3/11 (금) 11:00|Building 301 Room 417
Efficient Computer Vision for Embedded SystemsYung-Hsiang Lu|Purdue University2/7 (월) 14:00|302동 308호 (하이브리드 세미나)
Collage: Automated Integration of Deep Learning Backends전병수|Carnegie Mellon University1/12 (수) 16:00|온라인 Zoom
VM virtualization technology based on performance isolation for autonomous driving systemsSang-Bum Suh(서상범)|Perseus Co.12/30 (목) 15:00|서울대학교 301동 551-4 (HAWAII 룸)
Time-series anomaly segmentation and session-based recommender system유환조 교수|POSTECH12/14 (화) 16:00|온라인 세미나 줌(