LLM & genAI - Technology, Products, Market, and Some Important QuestionsSunghee Yun|Erudio Bio, Inc.6/25 (화) 11:00|Zoom - https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/81127706340
Quantum and Quantum-Inspired Computation for Next-Generation Wireless NetworksMinsung Kim|Yale University6/25 (화) 10:30|302동 309-1호
Software Is Defining Everything (SDx): But Who Is Defining the Security of SDx?Guofei Gu|Texas A&M University6/21 (금) 11:00|301동 551-4호 (Hawaii)
On the Privacy of Sublinear-Communication Jaccard Index Estimation via Min-hash Sketching최승걸 (Seung Geol Choi)|United States Naval Academy6/20 (목) 11:00|302동 209호
From classical to quantum networking: Leveraging networks to advance distributed scienceRajkumar Kettimuthu|Argonne National Laboratory, The University of Chicago, Northwestern University6/18 (화) 11:00|301동 551-4호 (Hawaii)
An Agile Approach to Building Efficient Domain-Specific Accelerators and Compilers with Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable ArraysChristopher Torng|University of Southern California (USC)6/11 (화) 14:00|302동 208호
Towards Human-Friendly Robots: We need more Robots김주형 (Joohyung Kim)|University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign6/4 (화) 16:00|302동 308호