Hardware-assisted Load Balancing for Energy-efficient SNIC-Host Cooperative ComputingNam Sung Kim|UIUC5/31 (금) 13:00|302동 308호
Toward More Accessible and Trustworthy Program SynthesisXiaokang Qiu|Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University5/30 (목) 11:00|302동 209호
A Story of RTst, an OS Development Startup임동혁 (알티스트 CTO), 설진호 (알티스트 RTOS 팀장), 황재호 (알티스트 Linux 팀장)|(주)알티스트5/28 (화) 12:30|301동 203호
[Distinguished Lecture Series] Sorting Under Partial Information김정한 (Jeong Han Kim)|고등과학원(Korea Institute of Advanced Study) 계산과학부5/21 (화) 16:00|302동 308호
Programmable Networks for Distributed Deep Learning: Advances and PerspectivesMarco Canini|KAUST5/21 (화) 14:00|302동 309-1호
Guided reinforcement learning to learn interactive motor skills하세훈 (Sehoon Ha)|Georgia Institute of Technology5/14 (화) 13:30|302동 309-1호
AI Solutions Through the Integration of Satellite and Geospatial Information김동영(Dongyoung Kim)|Meissa Planet5/14 (화) 11:00|302동 308호
Security and Trust in Edge Network EnvironmentsPrasad Calyam|Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Missouri-Columbia5/8 (수) 16:00|301동 101호
[Distinguished Lecture Series] How Ph.D. in Programming Language Is Opening The World of Robotics하정우 (John Ha)|Bear Robotics, Inc.4/29 (월) 12:30|302동 105호
Building Global AI Business Based on Production-grade Agent System김진우 CEO, 허훈 테크리드|Liner4/25 (목) 11:00|302동 209호