Expanding the Thinkable Territory by Building AI Tools Inspired by Optical Instruments서상호 (Sangho Suh)|University of Toronto, Dynamic Graphics Project (DGP) Lab1/8 (월) 14:00|302동 209호
[IPAI seminar] Techniques and Applications of Diffusion-based Image Generation and Translation주재걸 (Jaegul Cho)|KAIST12/29 (금) 10:00|301동 203호
Performance, Reliability, and Security in the CXL EraMattan Erez|University of Texas, Austin12/20 (수) 10:30|302동 208호
Cost-Effective LLM Inference Solution Using SK hynix's AiM (Accelerator-in-Memory)권용기|SK hynix Inc.12/15 (금) 11:00|302동 308호
Building An Efficient and Scalable Any-Modality Augmented Language Model문승환 (Seungwhan Moon)|Meta Reality Labs12/14 (목) 12:30|302동 209호
Structuring Knowledge from Semi-Structured Personal Informatics Systems with Large Language Models김영호 (Young-Ho Kim)|NAVER AI Lab12/7 (목) 14:00|302동 209호
Content-Addressable Processing Engines: Toward Highly Programmable Processing-in-Memory ArchitecturesJosé F. Martínez|Cornell University11/10 (금) 14:00|302동 209호
Energy-Efficient Software Systems for Machine LearningJae-Won Chung|University of Michigan, Ann Arbor10/31 (화) 13:00|온라인 - https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/92087985295 ( PW: snuspl )
Quantum Machine Learning Trends: The Past, Present, and Future방정호 (Jeongho Bang)|ETRI10/30 (월) 14:00|302동 208호