Operational Data Analytics: Towards Data Driven Post-Exascale Era HPC Energy Efficiency신웅 (Woong Shin)|Oak Ridge National Laboratory6/29 (목) 14:00|302동 308호
Probabilistic Reasoning and Learning for Trustworthy AI최유정 (Yoojung Choi)|Arizona State University6/26 (월) 11:00|301동 101호
Recent Advances in Machine Learning Augmented Algorithms임성진 (Sungjin Im)|University of California at Merced6/22 (목) 16:00|302동 209호
Towards algorithms on grammar-compressed strings, trees, and graphsStefan Böttcher|Paderborn University, Germany6/5 (월) 16:00|301동 551-4호 (HAWAII)
Empowering the Masses: Democratizing Data through Visualizations김남욱 (Nam Wook Kim)|Boston College5/24 (수) 16:00|소프트웨어실습실 (302동 311-1호)
Unlocking the Power of CXL: Navigating the Future of Cutting-Edge Technology정명수 (Myoungsoo Jung)|KAIST / Panmnesia5/23 (화) 15:30|302동 509호