Overcoming Gulfs in Digital Fabrication김현영 (Hyunyoung Kim)|University of Birmingham5/23 (화) 14:00|302동 309-1호
AI's Impact on Selfhood and Relationships윤동욱(Dongwook Yoon)|University of British Columbia5/22 (월) 14:00|https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/93016975400
Research Journey from Flash Memory Controllers to Next-Generation Storage Systems김석준 (Bryan S. Kim)|Syracuse University5/22 (월) 13:30|302동 208호
[Distinguished Lecture Series] A Theory of Approximate Continuous Optimization이의웅 (Euiwoong Lee)|University of Michigan, Ann Arbor5/19 (금) 15:00|138동 민상렬홀
Inferring Tie Strength in Temporal NetworksGiuseppe F. Italiano|LUISS University, Rome, Italy5/16 (화) 11:00|301동 118호
Evaluative Argument Mining and Its ApplicationsJoonsuk Park|University of Richmond5/4 (목) 15:30|301동 203호
[SNU CSE ROPAS Seminar] Chips with Proofs: Towards Complete Formal Verification of System-on-Chip (SoC)최준원(Joonwon Choi)|Apple4/28 (금) 11:00|302동 309-1호
[SNU CSE ROPAS Seminar] Uncertainty Learning for Trustworthy and Secure AI박상돈(Sangdon Park)|Georgia Institute of Technology4/27 (목) 10:00|302동 309-1호
Interactive Visual Comparison Using Representation LearningTakanori Fujiwara|Linköping University4/17 (월) 16:30|소프트웨어실습실 (302동 311-1호)
Quickstrom: Property-based Acceptance Testing with LTL SpecificationsLiam O’Connor|Univeristy of Edinburgh3/22 (수) 17:00|302동 309-1호