How to be a successful engineer in Silicon ValleyEphraim Park|Meta Platforms, Inc2/1 (수) 11:00|302동 309-1호
Advantages and Risks of Sensing for Cyber-Physical Security한준 (Jun Han)|Yonsei University1/30 (월) 10:30|302동 308호
Data-driven computational approaches for identifying novel therapeutic targets and drug repositioning opportunities한남식 (Namshik Han)|Milner Therapeutics Institute, University of Cambridge12/15 (목) 13:00|302동 107호
Human-Data Interaction for User EmpowermentBongshin Lee|HCI and EPIC research groups at Microsoft Research12/12 (월) 11:00|302동 311-1호 (소프트웨어 실습실)
Mining of Real-world Hypergraphs: Patterns, Tools, and Generators신기정(Kijung Shin)|KAIST12/7 (수) 15:00|138동(컴퓨터연구소) 315호
Towards Interactive Big Data Processing Through Flash Burst Parallel SystemsSeo Jin Park|Google Systems Research Group12/6 (화) 11:00|302동 311-1호 (소프트웨어 실습실)
Model compression/optimization enabling new AI paradigm?권세중 (Se Jung Kwon)|NAVER CLOVA11/28 (월) 11:00|302동 107호
[SNU AI Seminar] Toward Resource Efficient Learning and its Computer Vision Applications오태현|POSTECH 전자전기공학과11/24 (목) 17:00|43-1동 402호