이광근 교수가 정적분석(static analysis) 분야에서 지난 30년간 축적된 연구를 정리하여 관련 연구개발자에게 길잡이가 될 책을 MIT Press에서 출판하였다.
저서명은 Introduction to Static Analysis: an Abstract Interpretation Perspective이다.
[추천서평(MIT Press 제공)]
"Static analysis lies at the heart of a large and growing repertoire of techniques and tools to analyze software before it is deployed. Its many applications include automatically detecting harmful bugs, optimizing programs for resource utilization, and averting security vulnerabilities. This book by Rival and Yi, experts in the theory and practice of static analysis, provides a comprehensive and accessible treatise on this topic of growing importance as software becomes increasingly sophisticated and pervasive." Mayur Naik, Professor, Univ of Pennsylvania
"The whole community of researchers in static analysis and abstract interpretation has long waited an authoritative and comprehensive textbook on the subject. The spectrum of the covered topics together with the depth of presentation will make this publiation a highly cited reference book in programming languages." Francesco Ranzato, Professor, Univ of Padova
"We have waited a long time for a book that presents this material in a simple and at the same time rigorous way. By guiding the reader from the foundations of program semantics toward the most advanced applications of abstract interpretation, the authors are able to reveal the common patterns behind the design and implementation of any static analyzers. The result is a rich introduction and survey of the most advanced techniques for automatically analzying programs." Roberto Giacobazzi, Professor, IMDEA Software Institute