2013년 2학기 우리 학부에 부임하신 전병곤 교수님이 '네이버 신진교수' 로 선정되어, 2016년 1월 8일(금) 시상식이 개최되었습니다.
시상식 이후에는 'A Unified Big Data Meta-framework' 라는 제목으로 초청 세미나가 진행되었습니다.
[ 전병곤 교수님 프로필 ]
- 학 력
◾ University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science 박사 (2007)
◾ Stanford University, Computer Science 석사 (2002)
◾ 서울대학교 전자공학과 석사 (1996)
◾ 서울대학교 전자공학과 학사 (1994)
- 경 력
◾ 2012 – 2013: Microsoft (Principal Scientist)
◾ 2011 – 2012: Yahoo!Research (Research Scientist)
◾ 2008 – 2011: Intel Labs Berkeley (Research Scientist)
◾ 2007 – 2008: International Computer Science Institute (Post-doctoral Researcher)
- 연구분야
◾ Operating systems
◾ Big data analytics
◾ Cloud computing
◾ Mobile systems and security
- 웹사이트: https://bgchun.wordpress.com
[ 1월 8일 '초청 세미나' 요약 ]
Resource Managers like Apache YARN and Mesos have emerged as a critical layer in the cloud computing system stack, but the developer abstractions for leasing cluster resources and instantiating application logic are very low-level. This flexibility comes at a high cost in terms of developer effort as well as operator effort, as each application must repeatedly tackle the same challenges (e.g., fault-tolerance, task scheduling and coordination) and re-implement common mechanisms (e.g., caching, bulk-data transfers). In this talk, I will first present my group’s research on tackling these challenges in collaboration with Microsoft. REEF is a development framework that provides a control-plane for scheduling and coordinating task-level (data-plane) work on cluster resources obtained from a Resource Manager. REEF provides mechanisms that facilitate resource and state re-use that greatly ease the development of elastic data processing work-flows on Resource Manager platforms. REEF has been used to develop several commercial offerings such as the Azure Stream Analytics service. REEF is currently an Apache Top Level project. Next, I will present a few projects built on REEF: elastic data plane building blocks such as elastic memory and communication, elastic machine learning, deep learning, and micro-stream processing engines. I plan to establish open source Apache projects out of these research projects.