작성자: 과거 관리자
작성 날짜: 2012/02/28 (화) 오전 10:50
Dear International Students,
Those mother tongue is English should have Korean Language Certification,
those mother tongue is not English can have Korean Language Certification or English Certification (TEPS or TOFLE score will do).
Application Submission
Due: accepted during 2012. FEB .28 ~ 2012. MAR .06
Where: admin office @ Bldg 302 Room 317-2 to Ms. Ju Eunha
Form: please find the attached file (ask your Korean mentor or visit admin office)
Test date: 2012. MAR . 16 (Fri) 9:30 ~ 10:30 (60 mins)
Test Location: TBA
Test Acceptance Score: over 60 for master candidates, over 70 for Ph.D candidates of 100.
Please feel free to contact me for more enquiries.
(880-1526, ehju@cse.snu.ac.kr, 302-317-2)