작성자: 과거 관리자
작성 날짜: 2014/05/08 (목) 오후 3:48
2015 Winter Research Internship Program at Polytechnique Montreal
Duration: The recommended duration of the internship is a minimum of 4 months, usually taking place between January and May 2015. Other duration or period can be negotiated to suit your university schedule.
Financial Arrangement: A scholarship of $1000 CAD per month will be granted for a maximum of four (4 months)
Deadline: Students must send electronically the required documents by August 15, 2014. Results will be announced in September 2014.
Application Procedure: Students may obtain more information (incl. eligibility criteria, application procedure, financial arrangement, etc.) in the attached document “Winter 2015_POLY MTL_Research Internship.pdf”. They must also submit the attached “Specification Sheet” when they apply.
Eligibility Criteria
- Being enrolled in one of Polytechnique Montréal’s partner universities
- Having completed at least two years of an engineering undergraduate program
- Meet the specific skills required by the supervisor if any
- Being fluent in French or in English (no language proficiency test is required).
Financial Arrangement
- Tuition fee waiver for the duration of the internship
- Free transportation from the airport to your place of residence upon your arrival;
- Scholarship of $1000 CAD per month for a maximum of four (4) months.
Contact : Nathalie PELLETIER (Ms.)
Conseillère senior | Senior Advisor | Bureau des relations internationales (BRIN) | International Relations Office | Polytechnique Montréal | Bureau A-616.6. C.P. 6079, succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, Qc, CANADA, H3C 3A7
Email: nathalie-m.pelletier@polymtl.ca
Tel : 514-340-4711
Skype: nathalie-m.pelletier
Mobile: 514-708-0660
프로그램 참여시 학점 인정: 컴퓨터공학부 ‘프로젝트 1’ 또는 ‘프로젝트 2’ 교과목으로 3학점 인정 가능
* Remarks
Academic credit approval of program participation: 3 credits (“Project 1” or “Project 2”)