직함: 교수
We will survey some of the AI/NLP issues to develop intelligence assistant and knowledge search question answering system, and based on the recent POSTECH researches, we will discuss the following different cases for NLP/dialog applications:
- Multi-domain ontology reasoning dialog systems
- Multi-strategy knowledge search question answering systems
- Multi-party open proactive dialog systems
- Dialog system for English education
1991-현재 포항공대 컴퓨터공학과 교수
2013-2014 삼성전자, Technical Advisor
2000-2001 Stanford University, CSLI, Visiting researcher
2000-2001 DiQuest, CTO
1988-1991 UCLA (Ph.D-Computer Science)
1986-1988 서울대학교 (MS-Computer Engineering)
1984-1986 서울대학교 (BS-Computer Engineering)