Brandon Myers
직함: Ph.D. Candidate
University of Washington
We propose new techniques for using parallel languages to improve query processing. Optimizing a query plan and its particular implementation is important for efficient processing on modern systems. First, we present our work on a parallel representation of queries using partitioned global address space languages that enables new optimizations. Next, we propose future work on cooperative optimization of query plans and imperative programs in the context of parallel applications that include queries.
Brandon Myers is a fifth year Ph.D. Candidate and Lecturer in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, co-advised by Bill Howe and Mark Oskin. He is interested in building systems to enable fast and flexible parallel programming, at the intersection of high performance computing, data management, and architecture. He has built a parallel programming system, Grappa, for distributed graph processing and a compiler, Radish, for creating high performance parallel programs from declarative queries. In 2013, he worked on the Apache Incubator REEF as a research intern with the Cloud Information Services Lab at Microsoft. He received his M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Washington and his B.S. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley.