이정근(Jeongkeun Lee)
직함: software engineer
Barefoot Networks
Against the conventional wisdom that programmable packet processors are slow, line-speed programmable data-planes are emerging, including 6.5 Tbps Tofino ASIC from Barefoot Networks. Combined with a new programming language, P4, and its compilers, the new network programmability is making fundamental changes to the way how networks operate, are managed and consumed by applications. This talk will walk through a few power cases such as in-band network telemetry for per-packet visibility, layer-4 server load-balancing, and key-value storage acceleration.
Jeongkeun Lee is a software engineer at Barefoot Networks, developing advanced applications on programmable dataplanes. Prior to Barefoot, he worked at Hewlett-Packard Labs on application/policy-driven networking projects, contributed to OpenDaylight and OpenStack. He holds 20+ networking patents in US and published various networking papers at Sigcomm, Infocom, CoNext, Mobicom, MobiSys. He received PhD and BS at SNU CS.