Jeongkeun Lee
직함: software engineer
Barefoot Networks
Network devices have been plumbing network traffic so far. SDN is a software defined plumbing. Recent advent of high-speed programmable packet processors is empowering the network switches as more generic event processing engine. Computing and storage applications can offload bandwidth-hungry operations to the network, for example, handling billions of memcached read operations directly from for the network. This talk will cover several such use cases, some published at SOSP, Sigcomm and NSDI.
Jeongkeun Lee is a software engineer at Barefoot Networks, developing advanced applications on programmable dataplanes. Prior to Barefoot, he worked at Hewlett-Packard Labs on application/policy-driven networking projects, contributed to OpenDaylight and OpenStack. He holds 20+ networking patents in US and published various networking papers at Sigcomm, Infocom, CoNext, Mobicom, MobiSys. He received PhD and BS at SNU CS.