[Workshop] AI & CV Research Workshop 개최 안내김건희 교수 외 다수|9/13 (목) 13:30|meeting room “1.212”, GASTEIG Cultural Center, Rosenheimer Str. 5 81667 Munich, 독일
Computational Networking with Programmable Packet ProcessorsJeongkeun Lee |Barefoot Networks8/2 (목) 15:00|301동 551호
The current development status and the roadmap of quantum information technology김태현|SK Telecom6/11 (월) 10:30|302-308
Deep Learning as a Service (DAAS) to transform Education, Training, Assessment, and Digital Assistant EcosystemsPaul Kim |Stanford University Graduate School of Education 5/24 (목) 14:00|301-105
04-30-2018, Deep Generative Models, Algorithms and a Probabilistic Programming LibraryJun Zhu |Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University 4/26 (목) 11:00|302-309
Designing the Next Billion Chips: How RISC-V is Revolutionizing HardwareYunsup Lee|SiFive 4/17 (화) 11:00|302-308