Making a Science from the Computer Vision ZooXavier Boix Bosch |MIT (Poggio lab) 11/19 (월) 14:00|302-308
[CSE Special Seminar] Scalable and Interactive Machine Reading최은솔(Eunsol Cho)|University of Washington11/19 (월) 10:30|302-105
Experience developing and deploying concurrency analysis at FacebookPeter O'Hearn |Facebook & UCL 11/2 (금) 15:00|302동 309호
Perpetual maintenance of machines with different attendance urgency factorsLeszek A Gasieniec|University of Liverpool11/2 (금) 11:00|301-317
Efficient Memory Architecture Design for Emerging TechnologiesSeunghee Shin (신승희) |Department of Computer Science at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton 10/30 (화) 11:15|302-308
Scalable Data Processing with Intelligent Storage Yang Seok Ki |Samsung Semiconductor Inc. America 10/25 (목) 16:00|302-209/1
Efficient Deep Learning for Computer VisionDr.|Facebook (Mobile Vision team)10/25 (목) 11:00|302동 309-1호
What Good Are Models? A Focus on Cyber-Physical Systems Edward A. Lee |EECS Department, UC Berkeley10/8 (월) 11:00|302-308