Beyond Approximate Computing: Quality-Scalability for Low-Power Embedded Systems and Machine Learning김영현 (Younghyun Kim)|위스콘신 대학12/2 (목) 16:00|302동 308호 (Online seminar using Zoom)
Natural Language Inference with Knowledge박진영 (JinYeong Bak)|성균관대학교11/30 (화) 14:30|302동 309-1호 (온라인줌 병행)
(High-level) Technical Challenges at Moloco (Online Ad Company) and My CareerChanghoon Kim|Moloco10/28 (목) 16:30|301-417
The Karger-Stein algorithm is optimal for k-cut이의웅 (Euiwoong Lee) |University of Michigan7/22 (목) 15:00|302동 308호 (Online seminar using Zoom)
Federated Learning 연구 기술 동향 및 응용 - Ensemble Learning 관련성 포함김중헌|고려대학교7/22 (목) 14:00|Online seminar using Zoom
Ensemble Learning and Multi-Model Architecture for Image Generation and Translation주재걸|KAIST7/21 (수) 13:00|Online seminar using Zoom
연합학습 (Federated Learning)-앙상블학습 (Ensemble Learning)과의 비교 및 활용황성주|KAIST7/20 (화) 15:00|Online seminar using Zoom