[2017학년도 제2학기 서울대학교 교육상 수상자 특별강연] 튜링의 1935년: 컴퓨터 원조논문이 나오기까지의 1년여 과정에 대한 추측 이광근|서울대학교 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부12/7 (목) 11:00|302동 308호
[Distinguished Lecture Series] High Level Abstractions and Automatic Optimization Techniques for the Programming of Irregular AlgorithmsDavid Padua|University of Illinois12/4 (월) 14:30|301동 551호
Computational Design of Hardware and Software for Autonomous Robots하세훈|Disney Research Pittsburgh11/30 (목) 10:30|302-308
Exploiting k-nearest neighbor information with many data노영균|School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University 11/28 (화) 10:30|302-308
Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems Kevin Chang |Carnegie Mellon University 11/10 (금) 11:00|302-308
Exascale and Beyond: Computing in the Day After TomorrowBrian J. d'Auriol|Universities of Texas at El Paso, Akron, and Wright State 외 2개 대학11/3 (금) 11:00|302-209/1
Lift: a Functional Approach to Generating High Performance GPU Code using Rewrite RulesChristophe Dubach|University of Edinburgh10/19 (목) 17:00|302-308