[Distinguished Lecture Series] Mobile Sensing SystemHojung Cha |Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University3/19 (수) 14:15|302동 208호
Counterexample ranking using mined invariantsAnsuman Banerjee|Indian Statistical Institute, India3/6 (목) 14:00|Rm 309, Bldg 302, SNU
Formal Specification and Verification of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems 배경민( Kyungmin Bae)|University of Illinois12/31 (화) 11:00|Room 309, Bldg 302
Machine learning approach for human motion analysisTaehwan Kim|Toyota Technological Institute12/27 (금) 15:00|Room 308 Bldg 302
Understanding Eventual Consistency양홍석(Hongseok Yang)|University of Oxford12/27 (금) 11:00|Room 309, Bldg 302
ARCHITECTURE LEVEL THERMAL MODELING, MANAGEMENT FOR MULTI-COREAND 3D MICROPROCESSORSSheldon X-.D. Tan|Univ. of California at Riverside12/10 (화) 14:45|Room 308 Building 302
Digital Microfluidic Biochips: Towards Functional Diversity, More than Moore, and Cyberphysical IntegrationKrishnendu Chakrabarty|Duke Univ.12/9 (월) 11:00|Room 105 Building 301
[Distinguished Lecture Series] Transforming the Impossible to the NaturalHsiao-Wuen Hon|Microsoft Research Asia11/21 (목) 10:30|302동 105호