Efficient processing of sparse data structures with many cores and heterogeneous memory systemsJongsoo Park |Parallel Computing Laboratory at Intel Corporation3/16 (수) 14:00|301-417
DUANG: Lightweight Page Migration and Adaptive Asymmetry in Memory System 김남승 |University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 12/30 (수) 16:00|302-308
Fast Proximal Point Optimization for Solving Penalized Regression Problems이상근|TU Dortmund University 12/23 (수) 11:00|302-309
MCDNN: An Execution Framework for Deep Neural Networks on Resource-Constrained DevicesSeungyeop Han|University of Washington12/3 (목) 11:00|302-106
Usage of machine learning and its challenges in the real-world IT productMyunghwan Kim|LinkedIn11/23 (월) 13:00|CSE
NUWA: A Novel Hardware Accelerated Datacenter PlatformNorbert Egi|Huawei Technologies10/20 (화) 16:45|Bldg. 302, Room 408